
About Us

          Linksilicon Innovation Co.,Ltd. formerly known as Linksilicon Innovation Pte., Ltd. Founded in January 2005, the company is an import enterprise of Chengdu high tech Zone  doctoral entrepreneurship Park. The company was transformed into a joint stock limited company in September 2016, and was successfully listed in the national small and medium-sized enterprise stock transfer system in August 2017, referred to as Lianxing stock,   with   the   securities code of 871937. The company's core technical team includes   returned   overseas   students,   senior    engineers  and university teachers, among which more than 90% have bachelor's degree or above. The company is leading in the field of intelligent system integration, communication application technology, measurement   and   control   technology,   and intelligent manufacturing. It has obtained dozens of invention patents, software copyrights and other intellectual property rights, and has carried out a number of qualification certification such as software products, software enterprises, high-tech enterprises, quality system, secondary qualification of electronics and intelligence, confidentiality qualification, etc., and has been awarded and subsidized by various ministries and commissions, Sichuan Province,  Chengdu  City  and high-tech zone for many times. 
          The main products of Unistar include: industrial control big data system,  industrial  control  panel,    digital   sorting system, communication bus equipment, RFID card reading equipment,   communication   bus   module,   aviation   bus product, aviation standard control panel,  Internet   of   things   product,  embedded  software  and  hardware,  aviation instrument, etc. The company's products can be used in aerospace,   aviation,   communications,   measurement   and control   instruments,   equipment  signals  and  other  high-tech  industries,  as  well  as  industrial  intelligence,   office automation, home intelligence and other fields. At present, the company has accumulated rich experience in information construction and system integration in the field of   intelligent  system  integration  and  intelligent  manufacturing.  Many technologies are at the advanced level at home and abroad, with strong technical advantages.
          Lianxing advocates the business philosophy of "technology-based, efficiency first, innovation and progress, pursuit of excellence", pursues sustainable and  high-speed  development,  and  realizes  the   common growth and  common  harvest  of  enterprises  and  employees.  The  company's  vision  is  to  immediately  track  the  latest  communication technology standards, become the promoters, advocates and leaders of the new communication technology standards, use information and Internet   technology  to  provide  users  with  high-quality  global  services,  and  become  a  bridge between the new technology standards and end-user products!


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